Remote Learning at St Mark's

Please see our updated Remote Learning Plan  here . This document is to provide clarity of our remote learning offer at St Mark's, in the event of a child having to isolate due to Covid 19 symptoms, or a partial closure (e.g. class, key stage bubble or for pupils other than those deemed vulnerable or children of critical workers). 

Families who may require support from the school in terms of equipment loans or technical advice are required to contact the school office.  If circumstances change please inform the office or your child's class teacher by email.


Google Classroom: Guide for families


The video below shows you how to log onto Google Classroom:

Here is a video to show you how to upload work on to Google Classroom:




Here are some easy steps you can take to build a great home learning routine with your child.  Point it out when your child is doing something right and say well done! Find out more here.



Have fun with reading. Let your child choose what they read and enjoy it together. Short or long, it’s time well spent.  Don’t worry about what your kids are reading: recipes, cereal packets… It’s all useful! Keep books and other reading materials close by.  Reading to kids of all ages is helpful. Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when and why? And ask them to summarise when you’ve finished.  When you see your child reading, praise them! “I love to see you reading.”

Follow this guide here on reading using the TRUST approach to helping your child with reading.

You will find a summary of tips and ideas for how you can support your child at home here.

Remote Learning at St Mark's

Please see our updated Remote Learning Plan  here . This document is to provide clarity of our remote learning offer at St Mark's, in the event of a child having to isolate due to Covid 19 symptoms, or a partial closure (e.g. class, key stage bubble or for pupils other than those deemed vulnerable or children of critical workers). 

Families who may require support from the school in terms of equipment loans or technical advice are required to contact the school office.  If circumstances change please inform the office or your child's class teacher by email.


Google Classroom: Guide for families


The video below shows you how to log onto Google Classroom:

Here is a video to show you how to upload work on to Google Classroom:




Here are some easy steps you can take to build a great home learning routine with your child.  Point it out when your child is doing something right and say well done! Find out more here.



Have fun with reading. Let your child choose what they read and enjoy it together. Short or long, it’s time well spent.  Don’t worry about what your kids are reading: recipes, cereal packets… It’s all useful! Keep books and other reading materials close by.  Reading to kids of all ages is helpful. Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when and why? And ask them to summarise when you’ve finished.  When you see your child reading, praise them! “I love to see you reading.”

Follow this guide here on reading using the TRUST approach to helping your child with reading.

You will find a summary of tips and ideas for how you can support your child at home here.

Remote Learning at St Mark's

Please see our updated Remote Learning Plan  here . This document is to provide clarity of our remote learning offer at St Mark's, in the event of a child having to isolate due to Covid 19 symptoms, or a partial closure (e.g. class, key stage bubble or for pupils other than those deemed vulnerable or children of critical workers). 

Families who may require support from the school in terms of equipment loans or technical advice are required to contact the school office.  If circumstances change please inform the office or your child's class teacher by email.


Google Classroom: Guide for families


The video below shows you how to log onto Google Classroom:

Here is a video to show you how to upload work on to Google Classroom:




Here are some easy steps you can take to build a great home learning routine with your child.  Point it out when your child is doing something right and say well done! Find out more here.



Have fun with reading. Let your child choose what they read and enjoy it together. Short or long, it’s time well spent.  Don’t worry about what your kids are reading: recipes, cereal packets… It’s all useful! Keep books and other reading materials close by.  Reading to kids of all ages is helpful. Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when and why? And ask them to summarise when you’ve finished.  When you see your child reading, praise them! “I love to see you reading.”

Follow this guide here on reading using the TRUST approach to helping your child with reading.

You will find a summary of tips and ideas for how you can support your child at home here.

Remote Learning at St Mark's

Please see our updated Remote Learning Plan  here . This document is to provide clarity of our remote learning offer at St Mark's, in the event of a child having to isolate due to Covid 19 symptoms, or a partial closure (e.g. class, key stage bubble or for pupils other than those deemed vulnerable or children of critical workers). 

Families who may require support from the school in terms of equipment loans or technical advice are required to contact the school office.  If circumstances change please inform the office or your child's class teacher by email.


Google Classroom: Guide for families


The video below shows you how to log onto Google Classroom:

Here is a video to show you how to upload work on to Google Classroom:




Here are some easy steps you can take to build a great home learning routine with your child.  Point it out when your child is doing something right and say well done! Find out more here.



Have fun with reading. Let your child choose what they read and enjoy it together. Short or long, it’s time well spent.  Don’t worry about what your kids are reading: recipes, cereal packets… It’s all useful! Keep books and other reading materials close by.  Reading to kids of all ages is helpful. Ask lots of questions: who, what, where, when and why? And ask them to summarise when you’ve finished.  When you see your child reading, praise them! “I love to see you reading.”

Follow this guide here on reading using the TRUST approach to helping your child with reading.

You will find a summary of tips and ideas for how you can support your child at home here.