St Mark's C of E Primary School

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PSHCE - Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education


St. Mark's delivers a comprehensive PSHCE curriculum which is designed to give all pupils, including those with SEND, a deep understanding of emotional and social literacy, opportunities for self-development, health and life skills to use now and in the future, as well as further opportunities for deeper discussions, questioning and reflection.

The PSHCE curriculum is a carefully planned, age appropriate, spiral curriculum, based on the Curriculum map and resources provided by B&H PSHE team and is regularly reviewed and updated with any statutory changes as well as adapting our curriculum to support pupils during any global events which may impact pupil wellbeing.

PSHCE is organised into three core themes;

  • Health &well-being
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world

These core themes are explored through a range of short half termly topics, revisited within each key stage. Most PSHCE topics including, Feeling Good Feeling Safe, Relationships, Keeping Healthy & Safe and Global Citizenship, will be in taught in every year group. As the pupils revisit these topics with a different focus each year, they are able to build on previous learning, develop their understanding and have further opportunities to practice key skills, for example on resolving arguments or asking for help, in a safe learning environment.

PSHCE is taught weekly throughout the school year, and related whole school assemblies are planned to introduce and develop the learning in class. Each topic is carefully planned and delivered in 4-6 lessons over a half term. Key vocabulary is introduced and explored, and much of the learning is through discussion, whole class and group activities.

To ensure our intentions are met:

  • The PSHCE curriculum areas are carefully mapped out with each year group to ensure maximum support for pupils throughout the year.
  • PSHCE is a cross curricular theme- embedded not only in our PSHCE lessons, but other curriculum subjects and within our core values. Children have opportunities to explore PSHCE themes through all teaching and collective worship where social and emotional literacy, as well as mental health and wellbeing is at the forefront of our school ethos.
  • Pupil voice is given a platform and explored/discussed in depth.
  • Pupils learn life skills which will give them the tools to lead a safe, healthy and positive lifestyle- providing them with the social and emotional literacy tools to navigate through the different stages of their lives.
  • Pupils study a robust PSHCE curriculum from EYFS to Year 6 (see below for this year's curriculum map).


  • Teachers are provided with PSHCE boxes at the start of each year, tailored to their specific year group. Each box includes detailed yearly planning, planning for each theme of PSHCE and RSE, resources for lessons and key texts/books to support teaching.
  • Every Wednesday is a dedicated ‘Well-Being Wednesday’ day where children are given a well-being task in a whole school approach which promotes mentally healthy routines, strategies to improve well-being and tailored tasks to promote resilience and positivity amongst our students.
  • Teachers are provided with training on specific areas of teaching by PSHCE curriculum champion to ensure pedagogical practice is that of a high level when delivering sensitive themes e.g. Racism or safe touch and that subject knowledge is of a high level throughout the PSHCE curriculum.
  • The PSHCE lead attends local City Council subject Network meetings to keep updated on changes, share good practice and draw on specialist advice.
  • The PSHCE lead offers parent workshops where parents can discuss aspects of PSHE and explore the curriculum coverage their child will be covering.
  • Teachers deliver high level PSHCE lessons, drawing on pupil knowledge and providing new learning in an engaging, clear and impactful way.
  • Teachers assess pupil understanding and revisit areas that may need more time or attention. Teachers understand that some areas of PSHCE may fuel discussion and curiosity and this should be nurtured/ given space to explore.
  • The work and activities set to pupils match their ability and work is differentiated to support those with SEND.
  • Teachers provide pupils with the opportunity to discuss ideas, fuel confidence in sharing knowledge and provide a safe space for openness and honesty.


  • Pupils develop a deep understanding of social and emotional literacy and acquire a purposeful skillset to encourage positive relationships throughout their childhood.
  • Pupils develop an understanding of healthy and safe choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle and protect their wellbeing.
  • Pupils develop confidence and feel valued within their community where their voice is heard and their ideas are explored.
  • Pupils gain the knowledge, tools and experience to thrive in the different stages of their lives confidently acknowledging areas of their PSHCE learning, where they are able to use their knowledge to navigate through obstacles, challenges and responsibilities while growing up.

The importance of PSHCE education in for example preventing bullying, prejudice, substance misuse, sexual exploitation, unplanned teenage pregnancy and in contributing to positive physical, emotional and mental health and healthy relationships is increasingly recognised. Therefore, at St Mark’s CE Primary School PSHCE education is a central part of our curriculum as it enables our pupils to build healthy friendships and relationships and keep themselves safe now and in the future. We believe that effective PSHCE education supports the teaching of behaviour for learning, growth mind-sets and values and that it contributes to the wellbeing, safety and achievement of all pupils in this school.