St Mark's C of E Primary School

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Our vision for music is that we provide every child with high quality music experiences which engage and inspire them.  We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music and to appreciate a variety of music styles.  We aim for every child to leave St. Mark’s CE Primary School with a range of musical skills, knowledge and an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.


At St. Mark’s CE Primary School, we encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Singing is an integral part of our school life and our teaching focuses on developing the children's ability to sing in tune, developing their expression and ability to listen to others. Pupils’ understanding of music will be developed through activities which bring together the requirements of performing, composing, listening and appraising.   Children are taught to make music together with tuned and un-tuned instruments and to compose pieces. They are also taught to sing and play in time controlling the sound and pace. They are taught different ways to represent sounds graphically and symbolically.


At St. Mark’s CE Primary School, we use The Jolly Music Scheme for EYFS and KS1 and have adopted the Charanga scheme (from Brighton and Hove Music and Arts Service) as the basis for our curriculum planning for KS2.


The Jolly Music Scheme inspired by the Hungarian composer and Educator Zoltan Kodaly, uses singing as the basic means to teach interrelated elements of music such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics and tempo. The lessons are built around key musical skills of listening, singing in tune and developing the inner ear. The learning is reinforced through musical games, actions and creative activities. Lessons progress in small steps from the simple to the more complex with continuous reinforcement and practice of each new step. The children are actively engaged in music making from the first lesson.



The Charanga Model Music scheme has an integrated, practical, exploratory and child led approach to musical learning.    The learning within this scheme is based on:

  • Listening and Appraising,
  • Musical Activities (including Creating and Exploring) Listening and Appraising,
  • Musical Activities (including Creating and Exploring)
  • Singing and Performing

While there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit, the progression planned into the scheme of work means that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. All musical learning in the scheme is based around the Interrelated Dimensions of Music; pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and notation.  

Additional music teaching  

In Year 3 and 4 children take part in Soundmakers, a block of music lessons delivered by Brighton and Hove Music and Arts Team. In Year 3 children learn to play the recorder. In Year 4 they learn to play the guitar. Parents are requested to buy recorders. Year 4 Children are able to borrow guitars during the term. They complete the lessons with a performance to families and the school.

Brighton and Hove Music and Arts Team provides peripatetic musical instrument tuition. Lessons are taught to small groups of children from Year 2 upwards who have chosen to learn one of a variety of string instruments, keyboard or piano. Parents are requested to pay the additional music lesson fees on a weekly or termly basis.  Bursaries are available via the Brighton and Hove Music and Arts Team.

We also have opportunities for other musical experiences such as:

  • Samba Drumming
  • Gamelan Orchestra
  • Choir with Roedean
  • The Big Sing
  • BREMF (Brighton Early Music Festival) Workshops
  • School productions and assemblies
  • Watching performances of concerts at various locations.


Children will:

  • enjoy and appreciate a wide variety of musical styles;
  • explore how sounds are made, and how music is produced by a variety of instruments;
  • develop imagination and creativity;
  • build a sense of pulse and rhythm;
  • understand a range of musical vocabulary;
  • develop the interrelated skills of composition, improvisation, performance and appreciation;
  • enjoy a wide range of songs and sing in tune;
  • develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music.