St Mark's C of E Primary School

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About the Governors


The Governing Board – what do our governors do?

Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims & objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher. Governors must both support and challenge the headteacher; consequently, they need to gain an understanding of the school’s overall performance in order to explain its decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with senior leaders. They also attend training in order to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

Structure of the governing board

Amanda Healey (Foundation Governor) and Allistare Smedley (Foundation Governor) are Co-Chairs of Governors. The full governing board (FGB) meets 10 times a year. At these meetings, it carries out its three core functions as identified by the Department for Education in the Governance Handbook:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

Minutes of FGB meetings are published on the school's website (minutes of meetings page) after approval by the governing board. The FGB has adopted the LGA  Code of Conduct for Governing Boards.  Associate members do not have voting rights at Full Governing Board meetings but are welcome to attend.

The Governing Body also has a Resources Committee (Terms of Reference), an Admissions Committee (Terms of Reference) and a Pay Committee (Terms of Reference). Minutes of these meetings are published on the website (minutes of meetings page) after approval at the following Committee meeting.

The Governing Board

Instrument of Government 24.03.2015 - 2 Parent Governors, 1 Local Authority Governor, 1 Staff Governor, 1 Headteacher, 7 Foundation Governor (6 of whom appointed by the Diocese, and 1 ex officio)


Name of Governor

Category Date First Appointed Appointment Details Term of Office End
Vacancy Parent  
Helen Mapa-Murch Parent 05.07.2023 Elected by Parents 04.07.2027
vacancy Local Authority
Jane Fendley Headteacher 01.05.2011 Ex-officio  
Christine Bartley Foundation 10.10.2019 Appointed by Diocese 08/10/2027
Sebastian Dawson-Bowling Foundation 20.11.2020 Appointed by Diocese 19.11.2024
Amanda Healey Foundation  14.09.2017 Appointed by Diocese 13.09.2025
Archdeacon Martin Lloyd-Williams Foundation (ex-officio substitute) 03.09.2018 Appointed by Diocese 02.09.2026
Jess Murch Staff 07.10.2022 Elected by Staff 06.10.2026
Allistare Smedley  Foundation 07.10.2019 Appointed by Diocese 07/10/2027
vacancy Foundation   Appointed by Diocese  
vacancy Foundation   Appointed by Diocese  
Phil Davis Associate Member (Resources, with voting rights) 16.11.2020 Appointed by Board 09.09.2025


Governors who have stepped down/terms of office expired during the past 12 months


Name of Governor Category Date From Date Ended Reason
Brian Ward Staff 24.07.2018 23.07.2022 End of term
Kate Newman Foundation 10.12.2020 27.11.2022 Resigned
Vitalina Liapko Parent 21.03.2022 01.07.2023 Resigned
Sophie Brinkworth Parent Resigned 
Rosie Doyle Foundation Resigned


Governor attendance at meetings: attendance record for September 2023-July 2024

There is no obligation for associate members to attend meetings of the Full Governing Board.


Register of Interests of Governors and Associate Members 2023-24


Name and 



companies/ securities/ 


Other Educational 


Family Members

Gifts and 



Secret Societies


Christine Bartley


None declared

Governor at Mile Oak 


Trustee of BOAT 

(Bishop Otter 

Academies Trust

None None None 04.09.2022

Phil Davis

Associate Member

None None Wife Sophie Brinkworth is governor, one child at the school None None 08.10.2021

Sebastian Dawson-Bowling


None None None None None 12.09.2021

Jane Fendley


None None None None None 27.09.2022

Amanda Healey



Volunteer at Into 


Trustee of Education 

West Africa

None None

PCC member at St Andrew’s Church, Moulsecoomb, Brighton

Life member of NAHT (National Association of Headteachers)

Archdeacon Martin Lloyd 




Trustee at Bishop Otter 

Academy Trust

None None None 18.10.2021

Helen Mapa-Murch - elected 05.07.2023 

Employment:  NHS - nurse, critical care One child at the school     06.07.2023

Jess Murch

Staff - to follow


Allistare Smedley


Employment:  Brighton 

and Hove City Council

LA officer performance attendance and exclusions

St John the Baptist 

School Governor

Wife teaches at CNCS None None 29.09.2022


Governor Responsibilities

  • Safeguarding: Amanda Healey
  • SEND: Allistare Smedley

The Governing Body made the decision to include Curriculum strategic planning and progress and attainment discussions at full governing board meetings so all governors are involved in questioning, challenging and showing support to the school on its journey to Good. 

Committee Membership

Resources Committee:  Phil Davis (Associate Member), Sebastian Dawson-Bowling, Jane Fendley, Amanda Healey (committee chair), vacancy, Allistare Smedley

Admissions Committee: Christine Bartley (committee chair), Jane Fendley, Amanda Healey, Jess Murch Allistare Smedley 

Pay Committee: Christine Bartley (committee chair), Sebastian Dawson-Bowling, vacancy

Headteacher Appraisal Panel:  vacancy, Sebastian Dawson-Bowling, Allistare Smedley

Board Diversity

The governing body has agreed that their diversity data should remain confidential, due to the small size of the board.  However, diversity data is regularly analysed by the board and used in recruitment and training to ensure governors reflect the community they serve.